Commentary: America, Land of Heroes

by Rep. Mark Green


Last night, Tennesseans saw the Republican National Convention highlight America as the Land of Heroes. I’m proud, as a Republican, that we are not only proud of our heroes, but we also celebrate them. And I’m grateful to President Trump and Vice President Pence for working to ensure that America will continue to be a Land of Heroes for generation to come.

It’s been said: Not all heroes wear capes. In fact, they’re all around us. And Tennessee’s 7th district has too many to count. As I’ve traveled the district the last few weeks, I’ve had a chance to meet and thank many of these heroes.

I’ve visited school systems across the district. Every August brings both challenges – and excitement – to our teachers and administrators. This year, those challenges have been exacerbated by the coronavirus. I heard firsthand from our educators about those challenges and all the preparations that are being made – different in each local community – to safely bring our children back to school. Our kids’ teachers are heroes in normal times, but especially so today. And I know parents with school-age children, having had to play “teacher” for a few months, know better today than ever before just how much of a hero our kids’ teachers really are.

I have also spent time with law enforcement across the district, and just this week, was honored to go on a ride-along with Sheriff Frankie Gray in Dover. Sadly, our brave men and women of law enforcement have been under fire nationally. But here in Tennessee, we know that they are heroes – for keeping our communities safe, and for risking their own lives in order to protect our families. And we honor our men and women in blue for those sacrifices, each and every day.

I’ve stopped in hospitals and clinics to check in on our doctors and nurses. As a former healthcare CEO, I know firsthand the challenges our healthcare workers face on a daily basis. And this unprecedented pandemic has stretched and challenged us like never before. Our healthcare workers deserve our utmost gratitude, and have rightly been saluted as heroes across our nation.

And finally, I have been honored to visit those who put on the uniform to defend our nation. Last week, I had the unbelievable privilege to meet some of our newest soldiers, as well as one of our oldest. I flew down to Fort Polk, Louisiana, to visit with soldiers from the 101st training down there. These brave young men and women will soon be the tip of the spear of the United States Army. I also had the privilege of presenting a proclamation and flag flown over the Capitol to one of our nation’s finest: Mr. Frank Zaller, a veteran of both World War II and the Korean War – one of the few men who was at both Iwo Jima and Inchon. Mr. Zaller turns 100 this week, and we couldn’t be prouder to have him in our district.

America is indisputably a Land of Heroes. Let’s resolve to continue to celebrate and honor those heroes around us. And I’m confident with four more years of the Trump-Pence Administration, we will continue to be that great land.

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Congressman Mark Green is a combat veteran, successful businessman, and ER doctor.








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One Thought to “Commentary: America, Land of Heroes”

  1. JG2284

    This man needs to primary Gov. Lee.
